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Airports are in a somewhat different and difficult situation these days - the large hub airports are profitable but many smaller airports face continuous losses. The network of airports around the world is growing constantly, so more and more airports find themselves suddenly competing against one or more other airports for a limited number of passengers in their catchment area and an even more limited number of airlines. Airports that were in the past used to airlines knocking their doors applying for slots in order to start flying there, now face heavy competition of other airports which make huge efforts to attract new services and airlines.

But airports have to cope also with environmental issues. People living close to the airport demand with every emphasis a significant reduction in noise levels as well as in air pollution. Protection of the environment is a politically commanded obligation which airports are forced to implement, despite increasing traffic volumes. Restructuring their daily operations in the most efficient and environmentally friendly way is one of the biggest challenges to most airports.

Despite these sometimes conflicting requirements of increasing traffic, to be profitable, and to reduce noise as a "good neighbour" , airports and airlines have to cooperate as closely as possible as real partners in order to be successful and cope with all the challenges they are facing.

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